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*Disclaimer: Brand Street Agency is authorized to use goPeer's trademarks and branding solely for marketing purposes related to goPeer’s loan products with prior written consent from goPeer. goPeer Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for any content, statements, or representations made by Brand Street Agency on this website. Loan approvals are not guaranteed and are subject to goPeer's underwriting policies. Terms and conditions apply. For the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding goPeer’s loan products, please visit goPeer's official website (https://gopeer.ca). Brand Street Agency operates as an independent entity and is not an employee, representative, or affiliate of goPeer Corporation or its affiliates. Brand Street Agency may receive compensation for its services.
goPeer offers unsecured personal amortizing loans throughout Canada in amounts from $1,000 to $35,000 with terms of 3 or 5 years and Annual Percentage Rates (APR) between 8.99% and 34.99%, depending on an assessment of the borrower’s credit profile, financial position, and ability to service the loan. If a payment is unsuccessful, goPeer may charge an unsuccessful payment fee of $50. If a payment is late 30 or more days, goPeer may charge a late payment fee of $25 or 5% of the payment due, whichever is greater. goPeer charges an origination fee included in the advertised APR. There are no other fees on loans. Loans are subject to credit and underwriting approval and lending rules may vary by province. For example, the average borrowing cost paid on a $9,400 unsecured personal loan at an APR of 18.8%, with a 5-year term and bi-weekly payments of $104.80 is $4,794.49.